Ni2 Solution

Fiber networks begin with customer location

From smart cities and increasing data to the backbone of 5G, the rapid evolution of emerging technologies is making fiber networks (FFTx) more important than ever. Telecom operators worldwide are investing in their fiber networks, which now composes a greater part of their infrastructures. While cost control, installations, and ARPU top the list of fiber deployment priorities, the update and validation of customer address continues a daily operational challenge.

In fact, the customer address is among one the most strategic asset an operator can own. It not confirms the identity of a customer or prospect and ensure effective communication, it provides a global view of a customer.  From the stages of market analysis to fiber deployment, from sales teams to billing, the address provides invaluable data related to service eligibility and delivery. It holds the key to effective marketing campaigns, and more importantly, to a successful customer experience.

Ni2 Solution

Unifying & Authoritative Address Repository

Addresses come in different languages, shapes and formats, in a single country and internationally. Often, in-house address repositories will have to federate information from several sources. To add to this complexity, these different formats for a single address will reside in multiple siloed repositories belonging to OSS/BSS, workforce management, CRM, and billing systems, after which it will be modified by multiple customer facing stakeholders.

Ni2 Location Addresses delivers a unifying an authoritative address & location management application that automates the reconciliation processes with similar best practices and technologies used by asset lifecycle management applications.  

Ni2 Solution

Open & Flexible Technology

With Ni2 Location Addresses, processes are configurable according to each operator’s needs and organizational structure. It also delivers automated reconciliation based on customizable management rules for reduced final verification efforts. This approach allows to derive new rules based from manual validations. Ni2 Location Addresses leverages a single and open technology platform that allows the correlation and validation of data across systems, resulting in shared information across entire organizations.

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Ni2 Solution

Open & Flexible Technology

With Ni2 Location Addresses, processes are configurable according to each operator’s needs and organizational structure. It also delivers automated reconciliation based on customizable management rules for reduced final verification efforts. This approach allows to derive new rules based from manual validations. Ni2 Location Addresses leverages a single and open technology platform that allows the correlation and validation of data across systems, resulting in shared information across entire organizations.

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Central Piece of Information

The Ni2 Location Addresses is the cornerstone of Information Systems by establishing a unifying and authoritative address repository for all applications.

  • In addition to the certified validated address, the repository can also keep several variations of this address to support the demands from 3rd party systems, or in the absence of a formal standard.

  • Leveraged Addresses may be improved by team members in the field. Such information can be updated during the reconciliation process described above.

  • Seamless integration to other management applications, via APIs and messaging buses, to ensure coherence and relevance across all departments.

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